Friday, December 17, 2010

Heyyyyyy! (Outfit Post)

So I'm back from my "vacation", lol. There's a lot going on and since I've been preggie I haven't had as my outfit updates....I basically spent the majority of the 1st 3 months sick, nauseated, and in bed sick. : \ Not one of the best times of my life....But that's over & now I'm 4 & 1/2 months preggie. Yay! So you know what that means- OUTFITS! Here's one I took at RA Sushi place here in our new city, Houston. :-)

I was about 3 months preggie in these pics. Notice the blazer and belt??? They're my fave thrift store items...well so far. :D I got that skirt from Forever21 in Memphis. It was on sale for $11. All I can say is I'm soooooo glad it's stretchable or else I wouldn't be able to wear it, lol! It was the last item I bought before I found out I was preggie.

Have a great weekend! I wore this bangin' black dress to a holiday party a couple of weeks ago and tomorrow we're attending another one. So I'll be posting both outfits on Monday.



Donna * Quirky-Curls said...

You look very chic!! I love the outfit :)

Kenya said...

Thanks girl! I'm heading over to check out your blog now. :-)


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