I just found this dress on Forever 21's website yesterday! It retails for $24.80. This dress is soooooooo me. Seriously. I'm an avid lover of peplum dresses, but I only have one. :-( See this post for my lonely peplum dress. I MUST HAVE THIS DRESS. :D I think I'm going to start a wish list tab on ETSS. For real. I need to keep a list of what I want ya'll. lol....I may not get everything on it, but I can dream right? And I forgot to tell ya'll about my new nude sandals. I had to buy them because the Payless flats were KILLING me. Grrrrr. I'm gonna post those shoes tommorrow. Okay, well I'm off to work, but before I go who else loves peplum dresses??? How many do you have???
Sidenote: Instead of seeing the Freddy Krueger we saw Iron Man 2 and it was excellent! Please go see it! I just didn't feel like wasting my money. I heard too many bad reviews about Nightmare on Elm Street....not the business.
What price were you thinking? I can do $25 shipped. :)
Hey, I'll send you an email!
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